Strategies to Obtain Votes from a Disinterested Membership

Many Homeowner Associations struggle with getting the necessary participation and votes from the Owners of their community. This can cause issues with getting a necessary quorum to conduct business, passing document amendments, or even electing Board members. Here are some strategies that Boards can take to encourage a disinterested membership to vote:

1. Explain the purpose of Directed Proxies. Directed proxies are a great way to get a quorum and have Owners vote, but many Owners do not understand what a directed proxy is. When sending out Meeting Notices where a vote is going to occur, a Board should include a directed proxy and highlight, bold, and underline that the Owner can use the directed proxy as an absentee ballot, which is a familiar concept that will make Owners more comfortable with using the directed proxy.

2. Amend the Bylaws to allow voting by mail or the use of absentee ballots. Whenever possible, we encourage the Board to amend its Bylaws to make voting easier for the Owners. Specifically allowing voting by mail and the use of absentee ballots are ways to make the process easy and familiar to the community.

3. Send pre-stamped envelopes or postcards. If an Association can afford to send pre-stamped envelopes or postcards that Owners just have to drop off in the mailbox, this is a great method to encourage Owners to vote. The easier the voting process is, the more likely an Owner is to follow through and vote.

4. Hold a weekend event where Owners can drop off proxies. Free food and drink can provide easy motivation for Owners to show up, and while they are there, submit a directed proxy/absentee ballot. Simply provide snacks and some soft drinks for a “voting party” and have Owners fill out and submit a directed proxy or absentee ballot when they check-in.

5. Use multiple methods in getting the word out to the community. Often, simply mailing 1 or 2 notices is easy for busy Owners to ignore. So, when possible, send email blasts, post flyers in the community, and posting the message on an Association’s website or Facebook to make it harder for disinterested Owners to ignore the Board’s request for Owners to vote.

Are you having trouble getting a quorum or need approval votes? Contact us at: or give us a call at: (720) 542-8724.